Sabtu, 17 April 2010

Pet Society Coin Hack on April 2010

Newest Pet Society Coin Hack
**Working on the April 1, 2010 **

What do you need to get the hack working?
- Firefox(= Please don’t use Internet Explorer)
- Cheat engine 5.6
- Adobe flash player 9!

Make sure you first UN-INSTALL Flash Player 10!

1. Start Pet Society(Using Firefox)+ Cheat Engine 5.6
2. Sell an apple or something else
3. Play with the rope once
4. Now prepare your Cheat Engine
5. Click Process and choose Firefox.exe
6. Tick HEX, Choose 8 bytes, Tick “Also scan read only-memory
7. Go to using the internet browser : Mozilla Firefox, otherwise the page won’t load!
==== If you can’t see the page:: you are NOT using Mozilla Firefox! =====
8. Copy the first HEX code and paste it in Cheat Engine
9. First scan
10. You’ll get one address, right click
11. Dissamble this memory region and right click the given address
12. Go To address, and copy this address
13. Go back to and paste it in the first cell
- Now do exactly the same for the second code
14. Go to
15. Copy the second HEX code and paste it in cheat Engine
16. First scan, and you’ll get one address
17. Dissamble this memory region, right click the given address
18. Do not close this window
19. Go to this address, copy this address and paste it in the second cell on
20. Now click the generate button and a code will be generated
21. Go back to the cheat engine window which you hadn’t need to close
22. Click Tools and then: Auto Assemble
23. Paste the generated code here and click: EXECUTE
24. Click ok and ok and close this window
25. Now go to pet society and play with your rope again!
26. Woya! It works!! :D
27. To get more money fast, enable speed hack and you’ll get more money
27. Important: To save, you need to make sure the speed is set on 1 and not faster!
otherwise, this will cause Upload-problems
28. Subscribe to my channel to be the first one to know the newest hacks for Playfish!
29. HackingPlayfish greets you!
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